Dubai PR Agency - Campaign Steps
Step 1: Prepare your campaign
You have just ordered a Press Relations campaign and created your customer area on our website, we now need to know more about you to prepare the launch of your campaign.
As soon as your order is validated, we invite you by email to complete a start-up form on our interface. Questions related to your company, such as your objectives and targets, will subsequently allow us to get to know you better and define a strategy that is as close as possible to your needs. Anecdotes about your career and your history will also be useful to us in establishing your portrait. Finally, you can send us your logo as well as any documents that could illustrate your press release: videos, photos, website, etc.
Don't panic! This form will only take about twenty minutes and you don't need to write anything.
Step 2: Create your press release
We now have all the elements we need to create your campaign, it's time to write your press release!
Once your order is placed, you will receive a BAT by email within 7 working days. Once you have validated it, we will send you the press release in WORD and PDF formats. It includes 2 to 6 A4 pages and includes visuals. Once validated, it is graphically personalized with the colors and typography of your company.
Step 3: Targeting and preparing your campaign
During this stage, we carry out the targeting of your press relations campaign, in other words, we select the contacts to whom we will distribute your press release and/or your press kit.
This targeting is personalized to your project. Thanks to our experience, we know the journalists and influencers most likely to relay your information in the media. Depending on your sector of activity, your target and the subject of your press release, we select for you an average of 2,000 contacts per campaign. Whatever the formula you choose, we carry out both local and national targeting.
Do you want to broadcast your campaign internationally? That's possible too! We are able to support you in all countries and in the languages of your choice (learn more).
Step 4: Press Relations Training
This is the last step before your campaign is released: Press Relations training. Indeed, your press release is about to be sent, you must be ready to respond to journalists' requests. This is why we have included in each offer a free Press Relations training. The training is carried out remotely (by telephone and screen sharing) and lasts between 30 and 45 minutes.
Thanks to this training, you will know how to approach journalists following the broadcast of your campaign, you will know what to tell them, how to prepare your interviews and will have a whole bunch of tips to get the most out of your Press Relations campaign.
Step 5: Broadcast your campaign
Your campaign is ready, our team will be able to distribute it. Your press release is sent by email and will be the subject of two reminders, each three or four weeks apart (i.e. 3 mailings in total). In order to increase your chances of success, we adapt the tailor-made reminder strategy, based on the email opening rate that we observe and the initial feedback from journalists.
At the same time, we publish your press release and press kit on our website and social networks (Facebook and Twitter). By increasing your presence on the Internet, you gain visibility and boost the natural referencing (SEO) of your site thanks to the different links that we place in your press releases and press kits.
If you have chosen to include telephone reminders in your offer, it is after the first sending of your press release that we contact journalists to convince them in person to talk about you.
Step 6: Track your campaign
Throughout the entire period of your campaign, we will conduct regular follow-up meetings with you and put you in touch with journalists who wish to write an article about you. They can also contact you directly using your contact details, which we will provide to them.
In your customer area, you have access to all the reading statistics of the emails that we have sent to journalists and media. Thanks to an alert system that we have developed, you are informed as soon as an article is written about you. One of our teams is in charge of carrying out a daily watch to also provide you with a detailed list of the pages and social networks that have distributed your press release or press kit.
Finally, because for us the most important thing is your satisfaction, we promise to refund you if you do not get any feedback (learn more).